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Nos especializamos en la producción de éter de celulosa como hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa (HPMC), hidroxietilcelulosa (HEC), carboximetilcelulosa de sodio (CMC), polvo de polímero redispersable (RDP) y celulosa polianiónica (PAC), etc., más de 10 años de experiencia en este campo. , con certificación ISO, SGS, AHF, FDA y un estándar extremo, nos permite mantenernos muy competitivos en el mercado actual. Contacta ahora

Hpmc for washing-up liquid, shower gel



The water solution of HPMC made in china has surface activity, high transparency, strong stability, and its dissolution in water is not affected by pH. It has thickening and anti-freezing effect in shampoo and shower gel, and has water retention and good film-forming property for hair and skin. HPMC (anti-freeze thickener) used in shampoo, detergent, laundry detergent, shower gel not only can greatly reduce the cost and can also achieve the desired results.
Recommended type for Washing-up liquid, shower geL 
General type: WGP-204T
Viscosity:200000 NDJ-1