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Nous nous spécialisons dans la production d'éther de cellulose tels que l'hydroxypropylméthylcellulose (HPMC), l'hydroxyéthylcellulose (HEC), la carboxyméthylcellulose sodique (CMC), la poudre de polymère redispersable (RDP) et la cellulose polyanionique (PAC), etc., plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans ce domaine , avec la certification ISO, SGS, AHF, FDA et une norme extrême, restons très compétitifs sur le marché actuel. Contacter maintenant

what's food grade hpmc mainly function

what's food grade hpmc mainly function

WD Original 2020-12-14 11:17:36

Food grade HPMC have multiple function, mainly proferms as follows 
Anti-enzyme performance: The anti-enzyme performance is far better than starch 
Emulsification performance: hpmc can reduce the interfacial tension and  the accumulation of oil droplets to obtain more emulsion stability;
Reduce the amount of fat required: hpmc can enhance the taste, appearance, texture, moisture and gas properties of food that are lost due to the reduction of fat content;
Easy forming : Speed up the process production cycle, improve thermal efficiency, and reduce the formation and accumulation of deposits.
thickening performance: Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose mix with starch could supply the better synergistic effect even add small dosage ,hpmc could offer higher viscosity 
Reduce processing viscosity: 5-1000 pcs hpmc can offer a ideal thickening performance without change temperature
Water loss control: food grade hpmc can effectively control the water in the food from freezing to normal temperature, and can reduce the damage, ice crystals and texture changes caused by cold storage.